Catálogo Biblioteca Central UCSM

The Routledge Handbook On Informal Urbanization

Rocco Roberto

The Routledge Handbook On Informal Urbanization - 1A. ed - USA ROUTLEDGE 2019 - 299 19.5

List Of Figures
. -- List Of Tables
. -- List Of Contributors
. -- Acknowledgments
. -- Chapter 1. The Political Meaning Of Informal Urbanisation
. -- Chapter 2. Ahmedabad. Urban Informality And The Production Of Exclusion
. -- Chapter 3. Ankara. Struggles For Housing: Legitimate, Self-Contradictory Or Both? Impacts Of Clientelism And Rights-Seeking On Informal Housing In Ankara
. -- Chapter 4. Balkans. Informal Settlements In The Balkans: Squatters’ Magic Realism Vs. Planners’ Modernist Fantasy Vs. Governments’ Tolerance And Opportunism
. -- Chapter 5. Beirut. Dahiye: An Active Space For Social Justice And Resistance: Re-Imagining Informality In Light Of Growing Urban Marginality
. -- Chapter 6. Belo Horizonte. New Urban Occupations In The Metropolitan Area Of Belo Horizonte And The Struggle For Housing Rights
. -- Chapter 7. Cairo. Right To The City And Public Space In Post-Revolutionary Cairo
. -- Chapter 8. Fortaleza. Informal Urbanization Versus Modernization: Popular Resistance In Fortaleza, Brazil
. -- Chapter 9. Guangzhou. Fewer Contestations, More Negotiations : a Multi-Scalar Understanding Of The ‘Politics Of Informal Urbanization’ In Southern China
. -- Chapter 10. Guayaquil. Conflicting Competences In Guayaquil's Contested And (In)Formal Periphery
. -- Chapter 11. Hanoi. a Study Of Informally Developed Housing And Its Role In The Political Arena Of a Post-Reform Communist City
. -- Chapter 12. Harare. Informality And Urban Citizenship: Housing Struggles In Harare, Zimbabwe
. -- Chapter 13. Jerusalem. The Multifaceted Politics Of Informality In Jerusalem At The Time Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
. -- Chapter 14. Johannesburg. The Political Ecology Of The Right To The Rainbow City Informal Spaces And Practices And The Quest For Socio-Environmental Rights In Urbanizing Johannesburg Chapter 15. Khartoum. The Politics Of Displacement In a Conflictive Polity
. -- Chapter 16. Lima. Lima: Informal Urbanization And The State: The Rise And Fall Of Urban Populism In Lima
. -- Chapter 17. Mashhad. Claiming The Right To The City: Informal Urbanisation In The Holy City Of Mashhad
. -- Chapter 18. Medellin. Performative Infrastructures: Medellin’S Governmental Technologies Of Informality. The Case Of The Encircled Garden Project In Comuna 8
. -- Chapter 19. Mumbai. Profit Versus People: The Struggle For Inclusion In Mumbai
. -- Chapter 20. Nairobi. The Socio-Political Implications Of Informal Tenement Housing In Nairobi, Kenya
. -- Chapter 21. Port Au Prince. Haiti's Disaster Urbanism: The Emerging City Of Canaan
. -- Chapter 22. Rio de Janeiro. Tackling Informality In Low-Income Housing: The Case Of The Metropolitan Area Of Rio de Janeiro
. -- Chapter 23. São Paulo. Cortiços: Interstitial Urbanization In Central Sao Paulo,
. -- Chapter 24. São Paulo. Occupations: a Pedagogy Of Confrontation: Informal Building Occupations In São Paulo’S Central Neighbourhoods
. -- Chapter 25. Seoul. The Evolution Of Informal Settlers’ Political Gains In Changing State Regimes In Seoul
. -- Chapter 26. Yogyakarta. Slum Dwellers Strategies And Tactics In Yogyakarta, Indonesia

