Graham L. Patrick

An Intyroduction To Medicinal Chemistry - 1A. ed - EEUU OXFORD 2017 - 249 p 23.6

Drugs And Drug Targets An Overview
. -- Protein Structure And Function
. -- Enzymes Structure And Function
. -- Receptors Structure And Function
. -- Receptors And Signal Transduction
. -- Enzymes As Drug Targets
. -- Receptors As Drug Targets
. -- Nucleic Acids As Drug Targets
. -- Miscallaneous Drug Targets
. -- Pharmacokinetics And Related Topics
. -- Drug Discovery Finding a Led
. -- Drug Design Optimizing Target Interactions
. -- Drug Design Optimizing Access To The Targets
. -- Getting The Drug To Market
. -- Combinatorial And Parallel Synthesis
. -- Computers In Medical Chemistry
. -- Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships Qsar
. -- Antibacterial Agents
. -- Antiviral Agents
. -- Anticancer Agents
. -- Cholinergics Anticholinergics And Anticholinergics
. -- Drug Acting On The Adrenergic Nervous System
. -- The Opioid Analgesics
. -- Anti Ulcer Agents
. -- Cardiovascular Drugs

