Catálogo Biblioteca Central UCSM

Barlow, David H.

Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach - 7A. ed - USA CENGAGE LEARNING 2013 - P.V. 28.0

Abnormal behavior in historical context
. -- an integrative approach to psychopathology
. -- Clinical assessment and diagnosis
. -- research methods
. -- anxiety, trauma - and stressor - related disorders and dissociative disorders
. -- mood disorders an suicide
. -- eating and sleep-wake disorders
. -- phsycal disorders and suicide
. -- Sexual dysfunctions, paraphilic disordes, and gender dysphoria
. -- substance- related. Addictive, and impulse-control disorders
. -- personality disorders
. -- Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders
. -- neurodevelpmental disorders
. -- Neurocognitive disorders
. -- Mental health services: legal an ethical issues

