Catálogo Biblioteca Central UCSM

Sassòli, Marco

How does law protect in war?, vol. I, II, III, 2011 - 1A. ed - GENEVA FONDO EDITORIAL EDUNI 2011 - 508 23.5

Vol. I

. -- Outline of international humanitarian law

. -- Concept and purpose of international humanitarian law

. -- International humanitarian law as a branch of public international law

. -- Historical development of international humanitarian law

. -- Sources of contemporary international humanitarian law

. -- The fundamental distinction between civilians and combatant

. -- Combatants and prisoners of war

. -- Protection of the wounded sick and shipwrecked

. -- The protection of the civilian population against the effects of hostilities

. -- Conduct of hostilities

. -- The law of naval warfare

. -- The law of air warfare

. -- The law of non-international armed conflicts

. -- Implementation of international humanitarian law

. -- International humanitarian law and international human rights law

. -- The international committee of the red cross (ICRC)

. -- Vol. II, III

. -- Cases and documents

. -- General statements on international humanitarian law

. -- Cases and documents relating to past and contemporary conflicts

